Project: Architectural firm
We booked this group into the lovely Weinmeister Hotel, for an inspiring and different accommodation where hotel meets living room. This group had a packed program with many schedule points where tours of different properties and spatialities were on the agenda. Visits included BAM Communications, GRAFT Architects, Atelier Gardens, Neue Nationalgalerie, Boros Collection and LOBE Block.
In addition to planning and booking tours at the above companies and organizations, restaurants with a clear design focus were also booked, such as KINK, Spindler and Chipperfield Kantine, among others. All to follow the group's focus and interest.
The focus of the trip was inspiration and the group had a number of study visits booked. We used our contacts and received suggestions from the group, which we implemented in the program.
Berlin has something for everyone and is a perfect city for study visits as it has a bit of everything.
The group was able to do everything in their study visit program together, without being divided into smaller groups, which is pleasant for a close-knit group.