Sustainability Policy
Sustainability Policy
What does Sustainability mean to Your Man in Berlin? Sustainability means exactly what Gro Harlem Brundtland said in "Our Future Report" already in 1987: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources.
In practice, it means that we want to work in a way that leave no marks on the places we visit and in a way that make our groups always welcome back!
We want every group visiting Germany to leave with a feeling that it was the best trip they ever had.
Our approach to business is guided by the following principles:
Commitment, Honesty, Inclusivity, Creativity, Personal Touch and Continuous Improvement.
Important Issues
Our business faces many challenges and opportunities. Due to their direct impact on us and the community we work in, we have prioritized the following issues that need to be addressed:
Work in a way that benefits all, especially the local community.
Respect the local community.
Reduce the impact on climate change.
Work with long term relationships, built on trust, respect and loyalty.
Our Commitment & Scope
This policy will apply to all meeting, events and group arrivals arranged by Your Man in Berlin and their commitment and development towards sustainability. We acknowledge we have limited influence over third parties whose events we may attend but do not organize, such as trade shows where we exhibit. While we cannot control the decisions of these parties, we commit to educate them of our policy and encourage them to align operating practices with policy objectives.
Our attention to environmental, social, and economic responsibility includes working within the law and voluntarily exceeding legal requirements to be innovative and demonstrate leadership on the issues that are important to us and our stakeholders. As we design experiences, execute events, and evaluate our success we can choose every day in big and small ways how our actions and words build a better quality of life for our direct clients, end clients, meeting & event participants, and suppliers.
Objectives - We commit to:
Minimize environmental impacts in the areas of waste, water, energy, and air quality.
Emissions produced by staff business travel to be 100% climate compensated.
Give back to communities by volunteering and donating resources.
Increase the number of suppliers working towards responsible social and environmental practices.
Percentage of vendors used who meet company minimum sustainability guidelines: 50% of vendors to be compliant within the end of the validity of this policy.
Create innovative approaches to minimize negative environmental impacts, improve economic bottom lines and integrate the social elements in to delivering meetings.
Number of sustainability innovations introduced for client projects.
We will update our clients and our website on our progress towards these goals.