Code Of Conduct
1. purpose of this code of conduct
At Your Man in Berlin, we are proud of our company and what our people say, how our people behave and conduct themselves. We are all responsible for our actions.
This Code of Conduct outlines our Vision (the picture of what we want to become), our Purpose (why we exist), our Core Values (lasting and key values unique to us), our Philosophies (how we behave and operate), and the Key Principles that motivate and guide our people.
This Code of Conduct sets out the minimum requirements and responsibilities necessary to achieve the Key Principles.
Your Man in Berlin Guiding Principles and Philosophies
2. Our Vision
Our vision is simple, we want every group visiting Berlin to leave with a feeling that it was the best trip they ever had.
3. Our principles and important issues
Our approach to business is guided by the following principles:
Commitment, Honesty, Inclusivity, Creativity, Personal Touch and Continuous Improvement.
Important Issues
Our business faces many challenges and opportunities. Due to their direct impact on us and the community we work in, we have prioritized the following issues that need to be addressed:
Work in a way that benefits all, especially the local community.
Respect the local community.
Reduce the impact on climate change.
Work with long term relationships, built on trust, respect and loyalty.
4. Our Philosophies
Our People- how we behave:
5.1 Our People - The right people
We care for our people's health and wellbeing, their personal and professional development, and their financial security. We believe that work should be challenging and fun for everyone. The right people fit in with our culture, our values and our philosophies or they do not stay.
5. 2 Our Customer
Our customers always have a choice, and we care about personally delivering amazing travel experiences to them. This is delivered with respect, honesty, integrity, and a great attitude.
5.3 Brightness of Future
Promotion from within will always be our first choice and will give people the opportunity to grow both individually and with the company.
5.4 Taking Responsibility.
We take full responsibility for our own successes or failures. We do not externalize. We accept that we have total ownership and responsibility, but not always control. As a company we recognize and celebrate our individual and collective successes.
5.5 Egalitarianism and Unity
In our company, we believe that everyone should have equal privileges and rights. In all our communications there should be no 'them' and 'us'.
For Business Model - how we operate:
5. key principles of this code of conduct
Our people must adhere to these Key Principles in all their activities and dealings:
Act honestly and with integrity, maintaining the highest standards of personal and professional ethical behavior.
Deal fairly with, and be courteous and respectful to, all our people, customers, and suppliers.
Act in the best interests of Your Man in Berlin, in a manner which upholds our values and reputation.
Not enter any arrangement or engage in any personal business or financial activity that would conflict with the best interests of Your Man in Berlin.
Create and support a safe work environment that aligns with Your Man in Berlin's commitment as an equal opportunity employer, does not tolerate discrimination, bullying, harassment, victimization, is respectful of the human rights of others, and accords with our philosophies.
Comply with all laws and regulations that apply to Your Man in Berlin's and not knowingly participate in any illegal or unethical activity; not take advantage of any information about Your Man in Berlin or any of our customers or suppliers for personal gain, the gain of another person, or to cause harm to Your Man in Berlin; comply with all the Your Man in Berlin's Policies and always ask for further guidance if required.
Notify the CEO/Owner about any breach or suspected breach of this Code of Conduct; and only deal with suppliers who demonstrate ethical and responsible business practices which are consistent with this Code of Conduct.
6. Our Expectations
At all times, we expect our people to work in accordance with the standards outlined below.
6.1 Lawful and Ethical Behavior
We are committed to acting ethically and responsibly and complying with the relevant laws and regulations in all countries and regions in which we conduct our business.
Acting ethically and responsibly goes beyond mere compliance with legal and regulatory obligations. It involves being a good corporate citizen by acting with honesty, integrity and in a manner that is consistent with the expectations of our customers, our suppliers, external stakeholders, leadership, and the broader community.
Our people must ensure that they act in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, company policies and procedures always. You should promote legal compliance amongst your co-workers.
To protect our reputation and credibility, it is important that our people always act ethically and honestly. This Code of Conduct does not cover all Your Man in Berlin's Policies or all local laws where we operate a business. If a local law conflicts with this Code of Conduct, we follow the law. If a local custom or practice (which is not determined to be a local law) conflicts with this Code of Conduct, we follow this Code of Conduct.
6.2 Anti-Bribery and Corruption law compliance
Bribery and Corruption
Our people must, regardless of position or location, comply with all applicable anti-bribery laws. Failure to comply with anti-bribery laws is a criminal offense. The penalties for breaching anti-bribery laws are significant for both individuals and for Your Man in Berlin, and include imprisonment, large fines, and reputational damage.
If you become aware of any suspected, attempted, or actual bribes or facilitation payments, you must contact the CEO/Owner.
Political and Other Donations
Your Man in Berlin does not make contributions to political parties nor does it make donations at the request of government officials. We only make charitable donations that are legal and ethical under local laws and practices that are in accordance with our charitable objectives.
Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality
Good faith hospitality, which seeks to improve Your Man in Berlin's image, to better present our products and services, or establish cordial relations, is an important part of our business. However, all gifts and hospitality must be for a genuine purpose, reasonable and given in the ordinary course of business. Gifts or hospitality below the threshold amount are permitted without approval (if the rest of this Code of Conduct is complied with) and anything above the threshold is prohibited unless approval is obtained. Gifts and/or hospitality can never be given or received where there is an intention to influence, induce or reward improper performance.
6.3 Competition laws
We seek to outperform our competitors fairly and honestly. We are required to comply with all competition and antitrust laws and similar laws governing competition in all countries in which we operate. Accordingly, our people must understand how their obligations under competition laws in the countries and regions in which we conduct business affect their dealings with customers, competitors, or suppliers, comply with consumer guarantees, and not engage in anti-competitive conduct, or misleading and deceptive advertising.
Failure to comply with relevant competition laws has a significant effect on both the individuals concerned and or Your Man in Berlin.
6.4 Conflicts of interest
Our people must avoid conflicts of interest and must not do anything or act in any way that would result in their loyalty being divided between themselves and Your Man in Berlin. A conflict of interest will generally arise where your own personal or commercial interests' conflict or could potentially conflict with Your Man in Berlin's interests.
If a conflict of interest does arise, the circumstances should be disclosed immediately to that person's Leader. Your Man in Berlin will either confirm how such a conflict of interest can be effectively managed, or alternatively, direct that person to cease the activity causing the conflict of interest. Any person with a conflict of interest (whether actual or perceived) must not participate in any decision-making process related to the conflict.
6.5 Confidentiality
Our people may obtain confidential information about Your Man in Berlin during their employment or involvement with Your Man in Berlin. However, our people must not reveal any confidential information concerning Your Man in Berlin, use that information in any way which may injure or cause loss to Your Man in Berlin, our affiliates, or our people, or use that confidential information to gain an advantage for themselves.
Sometimes, persons outside Your Man in Berlin may request confidential information from our people. It is important that our people do not disclose such information unless it is authorized.
6.6 Privacy
Your Man in Berlin is committed to maintaining the privacy of individuals and implementing appropriate safeguards to protect the personal information of our people, contractors, customers, suppliers, and potential employees. We handle large amounts of personal information, given the nature of our business, and it is important that we do so in accordance with our legal obligations. We are required to comply with applicable privacy and data protection laws worldwide.
Our people must not collect personal information unless it is required to perform one of our legitimate functions, and must not use, access, or disclose any personal information of another person for anything other than the purpose for which it was collected. Personal information must not be used for marketing purposes without the express consent of the individual concerned.
Our people must comply with all Private, and Data Protection (GDPR) laws for the countries we operate in.
6.7 Intellectual property
Intellectual Property (IP) is the intangible legal right in creations of the mind such as inventions, artistic works, images, designs, written materials, business and domain names, and confidential information. Legally, IP rights allow the IP owner to do certain things to the exclusion of others.
Under your employment or engagement agreement, you agree that Your Man in Berlin owns the IP rights in anything you create or develop while employed or engaged by Your Man in Berlin, including products, services, documents, software code, content, reports or processes.
You must not engage in unauthorized use of a third party's IP. This is a breach of the law and may result in Your Man in Berlin breaching our contractual obligations to third parties.
The obligations in this section apply during your employment or engagement and continue after your employment or engagement with Your Man in Berlin ends.
6.8 Public statements about Your Man in Berlin
Public Statements
Our people must refrain from making any public comments about Your Man in Berlin, including for any newspaper article, television program or other publication.
Only the CEO/Owner is an authorized spokesperson for Your Man in Berlin, unless approval has been obtained.
6.9 Harassment, bullying and discrimination.
Your Man in Berlin is committed to ensuring that our people are treated fairly and with respect. Harassment, bullying, victimization, discrimination, or any kind of conduct that (whether intentionally or otherwise) offends or intimidates others in the workplace, or which creates a hostile or threatening work environment or disrupts a person's ability to work, will not be tolerated. This obligation extends to the use of email, text messages, instant chat, messaging apps, social media, and networking sites where any of our people interact with each other, our customers, suppliers, other third parties, or the community at large.
Any incidents or potential incidents of harassment, bullying, victimization or discrimination should be reported immediately to the CEO/Owner.
6.10 Equal opportunity
Your Man in Berlin is proud of the diverse backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs of our people. We recognize that we are all different, and we are committed to inclusion, fairness and ensuring our workplace is an enjoyable place to work for all our people. To do this we must ensure that no one is subjected to discrimination, victimization, or vilification and that these differences do not prevent anyone from enjoying the work opportunities that Your Man in Berlin provides.
6.11 Safe working environment
Your Man in Berlin is committed to providing a safe working environment for all our people and, in doing so, we ensure that we comply with all laws and regulations regarding occupational health and safety.
6.12 Drugs, alcohol, and smoking
As part of Your Man in Berlin's commitment to our health and safety obligations.
If you are required to take any prescription or medication which may impair your ability to work safely and effectively, you must notify your Leader and discuss any work restrictions that may be necessary. Any such disclosure will be treated as sensitive information.
You must not possess, use, distribute, sell, or offer to buy illegal drugs at any Your Man in Berlin premises, functions, or using Your Man in Berlin communication systems. Smoking is always prohibited on our premises.
6.13 Maintenance and retention of records and information
Keeping accurate and up-to-date records and information is essential to Your Man in Berlin's business. Our people must ensure that all accounting and business records are complete, accurate and properly and honestly reflect Your Man in Berlin's performance, transactions, assets, liabilities, and position.
You must ensure that all records are maintained and retained in accordance with all applicable laws and dispose of records in a secure manner when they are no longer required.
6.14 Communication, email, chat, internet, and social media
Your Man in Berlin is committed to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and professionalism. We are accountable for what we do, and we are respectful in our dealings with others. Our people must always maintain professionalism and use respectful and appropriate language. Our people must also avoid making any statements that might offend, humiliate, infringe copyright, or bring Your Man in Berlin or any of our businesses into disrepute.
6.15 Whistleblowing Policy
It is important that our people feel comfortable raising issues that are of legitimate concern to them, such as any actual, potential, or suspected fraud, theft, harassment, workplace bullying, discrimination, falsification of any documents or records, or bribery and corruption. Our people should always report these concerns.
If an allegation is made in good faith, but is not confirmed by the investigation, no action will be taken against the person raising the misconduct concern.
7. Breaches
Your Man in Berlin takes compliance with and enforcement of our legal, ethical, and social responsibilities seriously. We require that all of our people comply with this Code of Conduct (as amended from time to time) at all times in connection with their employment or engagement by Your Man in Berlin.
A material breach of the Your Man in Berlins Policies, applicable laws, business ethics, or other aspects of this Code of Conduct will be reported to the CEO/Owner and may be considered misconduct and result in disciplinary action (including reprimand, formal warning, or termination of employment, with or without notice). In addition, if you breach the law, you may be personally liable for your actions and, in some cases, face criminal prosecution.